
投稿者: | 2024年2月16日




論文名:A tool for live-cell confocal imaging of temperature-dependent organelle dynamics (温度依存性のオルガネラ動態を共焦点顕微鏡でライブ観察するためのツール)
著者:Keiko Midorikawa, Yutaka Kodama

Intracellular organelles alter their morphology in response to ambient conditions such as temperature to optimize physiological activities in cells. Observing organelle dynamics at various temperatures deepens our understanding of cellular responses to the environment. Confocal laser microscopy is a powerful tool for live-cell imaging of fluorescently labeled organelles. However, the large contact area between the specimen and the ambient air on the microscope stage makes it difficult to maintain accurate cellular temperatures. Here, we present a method for precisely controlling cellular temperatures using a custom-made adaptor that can be installed on a commercially available temperature-controlled microscope stage. Using this adaptor, we observed temperature-dependent organelle dynamics in living plant cells; morphological changes in chloroplasts and peroxisomes were temperature dependent. This newly developed adaptor can be easily placed on a temperature-controlled stage to capture intracellular responses to temperature at unprecedentedly high resolution.

国立大学法人 宇都宮大学 バイオサイエンス教育研究センター教授 児玉豊 
TEL:028-649-5527 FAX:028-649-8651 E-mail: kodama@cc.utsunomiya-u.ac.jp

国立大学法人 宇都宮大学 広報室(広報係)
TEL:028-649-5201 FAX:028-649-5026 E-mail: kkouhou@miya.jm.utsunomiya-u.ac.jp